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  • AutorenbildStefan Truthän

The matchbox concept

Interactive experiments

make complex things understandable

and enable discussions at eye level.


Instead of just listening, participants get actively involved by conducting experiments themselves or becoming part of an experiment. Acquire specialized knowledge that cannot be found in any textbook.


matchbox, as an interactive form of knowledge transfer, shows how the world of fire protection and civil security is connected - vividly and comprehensibly. The own action and experience creates aha-effects and causes a sustainable learning result.


matchbox addresses all stakeholders of growing cities. Take advantage of the opportunity to engage in dialogue with experts from a wide range of disciplines and fields. Discover new perspectives.

"There is a difference if I only apply the pure legal texts when assessing projects or if I have also experienced a real fire of building materials or climbed through a window myself."

Participant testimonial

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